Camp Beaumont

Camp Beaumont's award-winning day camps have been caring for children for over 40 years and provide fun, safe and confidence building experiences for 3-16 year olds at over 55 locations across London and the Home Counties, With up to 40 exciting activities, including robot coding, junior yoga and circus skills, Camp Beaumont is a simple, flexible and affordable solution for busy parents.

To save up to 10% off every booking, quote CAREC24 when making your booking. 

Camp Beaumont


Providing Half Term, Easter and Summer Activity Camps at over 40 locations in the UK for kids from reception age (4 years) to 12 years. 

  • Multi-Activity camps that act as a convenient, flexible childcare option
  • Bookable as individual days or a week at a time
  • Offering extended hour options to help working parents with early drop-offs and late pick-ups
  • Wide range of holiday activities aimed towards children aged 4-5 years, 6-9 years and 10-12 years

care-4 participants can receive a 5% discount at all venues, on all courses (valid until the end of 2022). Please quote discount code 5CARE4 when making your booking.


Barracudas offers activity days camps at 40+ locations to children aged 4.5 to 14. School holidays are often a juggling act, Barracudas understands booking fun exciting activities to keep your child/ren busy during the holidays is important. With over 80 activities on offer it’s a popular choice with working parents!    

Barracudas offers care-4 parents the following discounts:
  • £20 off a week
  • £5 off a day
  • ½ price on extended hours
  • Flexibility to change dates up to 14 days prior to first day

Please use discount code CARE42025 when making your booking.


XUK Activity Residential Camp

A residential summer camp for children aged 8-17, offering a fantastic range of activities in a safe, friendly and cosy environment. Please contact care-4 to request the relevant code to access an exclusive discount on residential camp bookings.

XUK Activity

XUK Excel Specialist Activity Camp

Situated in Dauntsey's School in Wiltshire, XUK Excel enables children aged 8-17 to focus on the activities they love, indoors and out. Please contact care-4 to request the relevant code to access an exclusive discount on camp bookings.

XUK Excel


care-4 participants who employ a nanny receive 10% off their first year's subscription. 



Should I continue paying into my account if I'm now spending less on childcare?
If you are likely to require childcare in the future, we recommend that you continue with your salary reductions (remembering that you can choose to reduce the value temporarily if required).
Can I reduce my monthly salary deduction temporarily?
Yes – this can be done either via your online care-4 account or, if your employer operates a Flexible Benefits scheme, through your Benefits Provider platform. The value can subsequently be increased as and when required.

If I leave the scheme can I re-join?
Yes, you can choose to temporarily leave the scheme (i.e. pause your salary reductions) but please be aware that in line with new Tax Free Childcare regulations, you must ensure that you restart reductions within 12 months - if you fail to do so then unfortunately you will be unable to re-join the scheme.
Are the funds in my account safe?
Yes. All funds received from our clients in respect of childcare payments are deposited and held in specifically designated bank accounts which are used solely for the purpose of handling care-4 client funds. The operational procedures we have in place illustrate that all such funds are client monies. 
Should you require further assistance please contact us either via email at: or by calling our helpline on 0344 800 1444.